Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fuel Savings in Hard Times (Tank 3)

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-- Third tank... testing with no acetone added. --

An amazing thing happened today. I had been watching my gas gauge with this tank and thought my mileage would be up a bit. This morning I filled up and calculated 17.9 mpg with no acetone added!! Note that I probably averaged 75 mph on the interstate traveling from southwest Arkansas on Sunday and then back and forth to work the past three days.

How could this happen? I have three guesses:
  1. I put in 20.1 gallons this time. That means there were over five gallons left in the tank that had an approximate mix of 0.5 ounces/gallon. Now assuming the acetone did not evaporate from the gas it could be possible that this diluted throughout the last tank. Many internet articles show better fuel economy at a much more diluted mixture than I am using.
  2. The higher ratio of acetone used may have helped to clean my fuel system.
  3. The fuel I used was possibly superior to the fuel I have been using. This is a good point too because I have been using Kroger and everyone knows Kroger buys from different brokers... so there's no guarantee of consistent quality. On Sunday, however, i filled up at an Exxon station. I always buy 87 octane so that was the same. But I have to wonder if the fuel I bought was that much better than Kroger's.
Anyway, after I filled up today I went to the auto parts store and bought a new set of plugs and wires. I spent over $100 on them but they weren't particularly special... at least not according to the dude behind the counter. I also bought a can of Seafoam. I intend to flush out my oil system and my engine with this. So here's what I have planned for the weekend.
  • Change plugs/wires
  • Seafoam the engine/oil system
  • Change the oil. I will probably go with Mobile 1 (synthetic) oil.
I'm going run a few tanks through after this with no acetone to see what increases I get.

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