Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hydrogen from seawater is a good idea!!

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Of late I have been seeing greater numbers of articles with newer ways to extract hydrogen for use as a fuel. Many of these are very promising. For instance, Australia has an idea that it can provide 100% of its country's energy needs using hydrogen extracted from water by means of solar energy within the next ten years.

Next there's John Kanzius, who has found a way to use radio waves to extract hydrogen from seawater. He makes no claims as to the payback but simply that he has found a simple way to extract the hydrogen from seawater... leaving oxygen and salt as a byproduct.

I won't go into detail on these technologies as you can easily research them on Google. What I do want to discuss is the apparent lack of foresight and outside-the-box thinking by Internet posters. One poster said "Hydrogen makes no sense as a fuel EXACTLY because it takes more energy for us to produce it RIGHT NOW, than it gives us back RIGHT NOW."

Let me make this point. My body is one of the most efficient mechanisms (if not the most) for storing and using energy known. However, it is not 100% efficient... meaning it is NOT a perpetual motion machine. But you don't see me giving up on my body do you? uh... hardly. I take advantage of energy stored in the food I eat to keep me going. That's what we're talking about here.

My point? Just because something is not a perpetual motion/energy device in no way means it is unusable. 90% of the posts poo pooing the hydrogen-from-seawater device argue that it takes more energy to create the hydrogen than you get from the hydrogen. So what??? Does it not take more energy to charge any battery than you get from that battery? Of course it does. The benefit is that you have stored energy.

So, all of those who can't get past that mental block need to just go away and let the rest of us solve the problems.

How To Mass Produce Hydrogen TODAY

  • Find an unused offshore oil platform - offshore but close to shore
  • Deploy a number of existing technologies to produce electricity (wave energy, tidal energy, solar energy).
  • Use the electricity to (1) power the radio wave emitter and (2) Pipe the hydrogen to the shore to be stored.

I know... you're saying, "So it still takes more energy to extract the hydrogen than the hydrogen itself provides!" aren't you? You are absolutely right. However, if that's what you're thinking you've missed the fuel-cell-powered bus altogether!!

Now, instead of having only the electricity generated by the various technologies, you have hydrogen to use in fuel cells for whatever you want and you can keep it indefinitely until you're ready to use it.

So, the next time you techno-nerds want to show how smart you are... think twice. It's not about "perpetual motion" and it's not about "perpetual energy". It's about "free Energy"! And there is more than enough on this planet to meet our needs for much longer than we (humans) will be here.

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